
Brasilian designer, bachelor in Mechatronic Engeenering at CEFET/MG and specialist in Metallic Structures Engeenering at FATEC/PR. Has experince with 3D modeling and 2D detailing. Currently work with calculus and projects to siderurgical and mining industry. Knowledge of mechanical and structural design and structural calculus using FEM and BIM integrate.


  • Engeenier Lucas Fonseca CAD/CAE · Full-time Apr 2022 – Present 2 yrs 3 mos Divinópolis, MG, Brazil Engineer and designer of mechanical equipments and steel structural buildings.


  • FATEC Specialist Degree, Structural engineering, Metallic Structural Engineering 2021 – 2023
  • CEFET-MG Bach. of Mechatronic Engineering, Structural engineering 2013 – 2020