Global rank:
483 / 93,685
Skill pts: 81


Mechanical Design Engineer with 20 years experience in consumer products, low cost high volume manufacturing

Design Entries

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  • Mechanical Design Engineer Beme International · Full-time Jan 2023 – Present 2 yrs 1 mos San Diego, CA, United States Employed Pro/E Reverse Engineering and ISDX to convert Polygon Meshes or STL files of third party software such as Geomagic Freeform Surfacing to Nurbs Surfacing suitable for mass production and for the design of tooling , injection molding and CNC prototyping.
    Software used for design, CNC prototyping and Rapid 3D Printing was ProE Wildfire 5.0.(Creo 1) Pro/Surfacing to create complex geometry, ISDX or Style to create Non Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS) and Bezier surfaces. NURBS are commonly used for CAD, CAM and CAE
  • Mechanical Designer JMAR Research · Full-time Jan 2001 – Jun 2003 2 yrs 5 mos San Diego, CA, United States Used SolidWorks and PDM for the mechanical design of X-Ray lithography system, Laser Amplifiers, opto-mechanical mounts and water cooled systems. Worked with scientists to redesign the Laser Amplifier Head in order to accommodate larger diodes.
    Familiar with optomechanical components, vacuum systems, cooling plates, fixtures, O-ring sealed joints, etc. Worked with the design of gears, such as Planetary Gear assembly, calculation of acceleration for cams, etc. Familiar with detailed drawing layout, machine shop practice, material selection, properties and common metallurgical processes.
    Prepared drawings for machine shop production/prototypes based on ASME standards ANSI Y4.15 and specifications using the SolidWorks software. Redesigned existing components in order to reduce costs, improve manufacturing ability, and reduce assembly time.


  • San Diego State University BS Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer 1997 – 2000

Other experience

  • Machine design-Project consultant
  • Beme International - Mechanical Design Engineer Used Pro/Surfacing and ISDX to design high end consumer products, such as Vanity and/or Desktop Lightings