Global rank:
36,918 / 94,015
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I will manipulate your thoughts and combine them into 3D Modeling. which means either by your rough sketch or by your humble explaining. It will be given to you so many concepts that explain your thoughts.

I am Mechanical Engineering skilled in 2D,3D modeling by Solidworks, and 2D by Bentley Microstation.

I will give to a product/project so many innovative ideas if it needs some developments. And I will try to give you as many possible solutions as I can, also the product/project will be surrounded by mechanical engineering properties. And the problems in the project/product will be solved and analyzed by the aspects of mechanical engineering.
And also there will be tests and simulations applied to take an accurate analysis of aspects of mechanical engineering properties.

I am amazed by the design and I am grateful to have the name of Designer in my name.
I am more talented at 3D modeling, CAD drafting, Creating complex design but easy using, turning the idea into innovative design, and I try to keep my own designs friendly to the environment because there will be a new generation that would live just like you without harms by the environment that caused by us so when we leave we should put everything in its actual place as we came before :)

Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.

Thank you aggressively in advance : )


  • Formula E car European Institute of Antioxydants (IEA) · Internship Nov 2019 – Present 5 yrs 3 mos undefined, France
  • Natural filtiration My project · Self-employed May 2019 – Present 5 yrs 9 mos undefined, Italy It was a nice project I have done it, unfortunately, it is not completed now it needs some modification, I have put that project on A Design Award and won a good idea


  • University of Hafr Al-Batin B . E, Mechanical Engineering 2016 – 2021

Other experience

  • Deisgn Engineer I am a Mechanical Engineer Designer I have worked in so many places and developed so many ideas for people, I'm good at designing, creating some ideas even if you have an idea but you are bad at drawing it I only need your explanation a humble explanation.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Delft AEASM1x TU Delft, Netherlands May 2020 – Present
  • ANU ANU-ASTRO1 ANU Apr 2020 – Present
  • Design for manufacturing EduCADD Apr 2020 – Present
  • MIT 16.00x MIT xPRO Mar 2020 – Present
  • Microstation Bentley institute Jan 2020 – Present
  • Solid Works SOLIDWORKS Feb 2018 – Present