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46,706 / 82,788
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I'm a tooling engineer with experience in Mold Design over than 20 years.
Familiar with lots of Mold Standard requirement from North America, Europe
Customer satisfaction is my main priority: I want to be the #1 in our customers’ supplier list. To achieve 100% satisfaction is my goal.

Automotive Mold
Cosmetic tool
Metical tool
Product design
Mold-Flow analysis

Other experience

  • Moldflow - Preliminary
    • To find the best gate location, Gate type, Gate Size.
    • Filling balance.
    • Injection Pressure.

    • Gate info refer to Moldflow
    • HRS: Bore Diameter in Manifold, Valve Pin Dia, etc
    • Distance between main nozzle and hot tip
    • Color Change?
    • Auto de-gate or EOA to trim?
    • Vestige clearance to the counterpart
    • Gate Insert
    • Runner Pin / Ejection around the Gate
    • Ratio: (Gate + Runner) / Shot Weight

    • Die-Draw Direction
    • Parting Line
    • Draft Angle, Grain/texture.
    • ZPL
    • Slide, Lifter

    • Ejection Layout
    • Ejection Pins, Sleeves
    • Straight Lifter Block
    • Angle Lifter Block
    • Blade Ejector
    • Ring Pins are needed to hold part for EOA pick up after ejection?
    • Keeper pins Size and Location
    • Any potential sticking issue to Lifter / Slide / Cavity?
    • Secondary Ejection is needed?

    Moldflow-with Water Line
    • Weld Line
    • Pressure drop graph
    • Venting location
    • Warpage:
    • Optimized molding settings