Global rank:
73,184 / 93,863
Skill pts: 0


I am a professional 3D model and prototype engineer. I have an applied science and Certified Solidworks Professional certificates from Arapahoe Community College and over 10 years of experience in Solidworks, Autodesk platforms and 3D printing. I have Invented and reimagined several products and I have a PPA under my name for an adjustable ergonomic airbrush grip.
USPTO PPA No. 63219514
My most recent success was creating a full scale model library of power and distribution components for ikeGPS and the PoleForeman application. The use case for the models was to apply component data along with a visual representation to analyze the amount of load would that would be applied to a given power pole assembly. I offer a comprehensive design package that details project flow and cost estimation. Any project I work on with you will have full visibility. I am committed to quality control, excellent customer service and adherence to all codes that may be applicable to your next design. I look forward to working with you to bring your next idea to the real world!


  • 3D Model Engineer ikeGPS · Full-time Dec 2021 – Present 3 yrs 2 mos Broomfield, CO, United States Work on a broad range of advanced design and production programs and convert 2D or initial CAD drawings to 3D models
    Responsible in coordinating both internal and external methods of 3D gaming design and rapid prototyping to realize designs.
    Meeting established deadlines over long term projects and maintaining detailed schedules
    Collaboration across multidisciplinary teams internal and external (Design/ENG/Vendors)
    Create Advanced solid models, surfaces and assemblies in Solidworks and assign accurate material data to the models
    Create seamless materials with photorealistic texture maps
    Apply realistic textures and lighting to models in 3DS Max
    Convert solid models to hsf and obj format to be used for machine learning and pole loading analysis
  • Project Engineer E&J Cabinets · Full-time Mar 2021 – Dec 2021 9 mos Arvada, CO, United States Responsible for custom cabinet design, material takeoff, and order placement.
    Produces timely and accurate detailed shop drawings from architectural drawings while understanding shop construction techniques.
    Utilizes Cabinet Vision to create manufacturing drawings, generate CNC programs, and cut lists.
    Reviews material tolerances and specifications for specified applications.
    Communicates with Project Managers, architects, and general contractors to verify solutions and conditions.
    Collaborates with the manufacturing team to achieve the highest quality products possible.
    Works within a multi-functional team to review job requirements and manage changes in drawings and additions to create a clearly defined path of construction for the shop.
    Manages schedules and priorities while meeting deadlines.
    Independently solve problems in close coordination with members of the project team.
    Effectively manages project costs to stay with in budge and limit losses.
  • CAD/ Civil 3D Design Lead Lw Survey · Full-time Mar 2018 – Feb 2021 2 yrs 11 mos Lakewood, CO, United States Led team in the civil design of underground transmission pipelines.
    Provided technical assistance, training, and quality control to the mapping team to solve discrepancies within drawings specifications. Ensuring the adequate flow of information within the drafting team.
    Designed and drafted the route map, plot plan for overall area, general agreement drawings for pig launcher and receiver, right of way drawings for site construction, typical crossing drawings (I.e., road, OHL, U/G and A/G pipeline, and U/G cable) for pipelines, detailing of the trench for pipeline construction and detailing of wellhead drawings.
    Prepared pipeline plan and profile/alignment sheets based on topographical drawings.
    Demonstrated knowledge of CAD standards, Civil 3D label styles, sheet set manager, and drawing setup.
    Worked with GIS team to process survey data through Skyline to detail Centerline marking and identified feasible routes and crossing events.
    Utilized Civil3D to detail alignment sheets, drill profiles, and certified plats to submit to the county.
    Volunteered to assist with aerial survey and monument staking whenever needed to maintain consistent workflow within the company.
  • CAD Draftsman R&R Millwork · Full-time Dec 2015 – Mar 2018 2 yrs 3 mos Englewood, CO, United States Responsible for custom cabinet design, material takeoff and order placement.
    Produced timely and accurate detailed shop drawings from architectural drawings while understanding shop construction techniques.
    Utilized AutoCAD to create manufacturing drawings.
    Updated existing and created new drafting templates to streamline processes.
    Processed cut list and CNC programs using CutRiteV8
    Reviewed material tolerances and specifications for specified applications.
    Communicated with Project Managers, architects and general contractors to verify solutions and conditions
    Collaborated with manufacturing team to achieve the highest quality products possible.
    Worked within a multi-functional team to review job requirements and manage changes in drawings and additions to create a clearly defined path of construction for the shop.
    Managed schedules and priorities while meeting deadlines.
    Independently solved problems in close coordination with members of the project team.
  • Cabinet Maker R&R Millwork · Full-time Sep 2013 – Dec 2015 2 yrs 3 mos Englewood, CO, United States Responsible for custom cabinet design, material takeoff and order placement.
    Produced timely and accurate detailed shop drawings from architectural drawings while understanding shop construction techniques.
    Utilized AutoCAD to create manufacturing drawings.
    Updated existing and created new drafting templates to streamline processes.
    Processed cut list and CNC programs using CutRiteV8
    Reviewed material tolerances and specifications for specified applications.
    Communicated with Project Managers, architects and general contractors to verify solutions and conditions
    Collaborated with manufacturing team to achieve the highest quality products possible.
    Worked within a multi-functional team to review job requirements and manage changes in drawings and additions to create a clearly defined path of construction for the shop.
    Managed schedules and priorities while meeting deadlines.
    Independently solved problems in close coordination with members of the project team.


  • Arapahoe Community College Associate of Applied Science, Engineeering 2013 – 2016 I studied engineering, CAD/ CAM, 3D printing and manufacturing at ACC and received my CSWA and CSWP in Solidworks.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Certified SolidWorks Professional (CSWP–Mechanical Design) Dassault Systems Aug 2018 – Present
  • Certified Solidworks Associate (CSWA) Dassault Systems Nov 2015 – Present