Global rank:
46,796 / 82,788
Skill pts: 0


Oscar is a mechanical design engineer with experience in the lithographic, entertainment, food, automotive, agricultural, handling and industrial washing machine sector. Willingness and curiosity are at forefront throughout Oscar’s designing career. Oscar’s work has been exhibited, manufactured and installed internationally, some of which include:

“The world’s first” public atrium – The Now Building – containing an immense digital canvas: a 2,260 square metre, 4-storey high, floor to ceiling, 360-degree, 16K LED screen surface, powered by Ventuz’s real-time software solutions.

Tour stages for A list performers such as Sam Smith, Take that, Beyonce and more.

Full bakery conveyor lines

Full automotive conveyor lines

Full automated handling lines

Industrial washing machines


  • Open University Masters of Engineering, Eng. Mechanical 2019 – 2022