
Hi, my name is Benjamin Ellis. I am a mechanical engineer living and working in the Chicago area. I received my BSME from Tennessee Technological University in 2012.

My past work experience encompasses multiple responsibilities in high-volume manufacturing in the automotive sector, including tool design, process design, quality inspection methods, CMM and vision inspection system programming, robotics programming, PLC programming, process automation, machine design, metallurgy, CNC machining, and both 2D and 3D CAD, among others. Additional work experience includes roles in manufacturing process design and control, quality control, and product improvement at a steel fabrication facility. The additional skills gained at this workplace include the use of inventory and production tracking software, personnel management, and both raw material and equipment/machinery resource management.

This combined work experience has given me the needed skills and knowledge to take products from concept to reality. I have had the privilege of working with outstanding mentors in my field that have trained me to look ahead in the product development cycle to identify potential problems and challenges and to plan accordingly. A deep understanding of and enthusiasm for the various manufacturing processes available has influenced my product design work with a constant eye toward manufacturability and cost. Furthermore, when it comes to engineering, I highly endorse the notion that the simplest process or design is the surest path to success.


  • Tennessee Technological University Bachelors Degree, Mechanical Engineering 2012 graduation