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Hello my name is Brice and I'm currently a stay at home dad who is looking to do part time drawings for your company. I have six years of 3D modeling experience and will be glad to provide you with a professional drawing that exceeds your needs. I was a manufacturing engineer at Bosch Rexroth for four years before my family decided it was best for me to stay home to help with the kids. I designed applications that helped improve the efficiency of the production workers as well as adjusted layouts. I designed equipment from small safety guards to upgrading an old system that used acid and Dot markers to mark our products to a laser that did both processes in one in half the time. I look forward to working with you.


  • Automation Design Engineer Bosch Rexroth Limited · Aug 2015 – Aug 2019 4 yrs Charlotte, NC, USA Designed applications that helped improve the manufacturing process on the plant floor. Changed the plant layout several times to help improve efficiency.


  • University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mechanical Engineer, 3.2 2011 – 2014