Global rank:
63,477 / 93,609
Skill pts: 0
.NET Programming AutoCAD AutoCAD Drafting and Design Services AutoHotkey Automation Design Automation Testing and Debugging CAD Design CAD Design and Drafting CAD Drafting LISP Programming VBA Scripting Visual Studio


150+ AutoCAD scripts
5+ years experience with AutoCAD and AutoCAD automation
5+ years experience with AHK desktop automation

Here is a demo reel of the latest project undertaken:



  • AutoCAD Drafter II Sigma Technologies · Full-time Jan 2023 – Present 2 yrs 1 mos Perrysburg, OH, United States Automating AutoCAD to quickly turn spreadsheets into drawings, automating large tool sets quickly.
  • AutoCad Drafter II Cutting Edge Countertops · Full-time Jan 2018 – Jan 2022 4 yrs Perrysburg, OH, United States Automated my job with 80 scripts, able to triple my drawing output upon leaving.