Hire the best freelance Deck Detailing expert designers for your company

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Trusted by
US Army Corps of Engineers

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aaron_griep $27/hr

Aaron G.

Deck Detailing Designer

5 (1 job)
  • 3D Models
  • API
  • CAD Design
  • 2D & 3D Design
  • Parts Catalogs & 3D Modeling
  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks
  • Siemens NX (Unigraphics)
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • ArchiCAD
  • Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D)
  • Autodesk Fusion 360

Last updated: Feb 13, 2025

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Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring Deck Detailing Designers

Nothing adds more visual interest and functional outdoor space more than a deck. A considerable amount of planning, engineering, and construction knowledge has to go into the pre-building process or the deck isn’t going to be anywhere near safe or as stable as it could or should be.

While most often constructed out of wooden materials, new composite materials and ironwork projects have become increasingly popular – and for good reason. These new construction materials allow for inventive and innovative new deck designs specifically because they are able to carry much more significant loads and resist tension better than wooden construction materials.

A well-designed deck has to be tightly integrated into the original structure, and that’s always going to apply new forces and stress on the structure that needs to be addressed with proper deck detailing approaches.

Hiring the right deck detailing freelancers or the best deck detailing services you can find will go a long way towards making sure that your new deck project is pulled off successfully. These kinds of professionals will not only endeavor to better understand the site that the new deck will be built upon, but will also take into consideration the kinds of materials necessary to complete the job safely and securely as well as the best way to bring your vision for your new deck to life.

Working with deck detailing freelancers from Cad Crowd will help you streamline your new deck building or refurbishment project. All of these experts have years of experience doing this kind of work exactly. You’ll be able to leverage this experience and expertise from some of the best freelance deck detailing professionals from around the world in a way that you simply won't find from conventional design companies.

Building your deck starts long before the groundbreaking on your new foundation begins. It all starts with the right plan, the right strategy, and choosing the appropriate construction materials necessary to get the job done right the first time around. 

Take advantage of the deck detailing services from Cad Crowd and you won’t ever have to worry about your deck project running off the rails at any point in time! Submit your project for a free quote. We'll take a look at your specific requirements and connect you with a leading freelance CAD designer whose skills and expertise match your needs and goals! Get started today.


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