Global rank:
1,205 / 84,528
Skill pts: 22


A mechanical Engineer, had competed in formula student uk 2014, as a member of Philadelphia formula student team. Out of the box thinking. Working under pressure with good results, have good skills with CAD softwares such as AutoCad, ProEngineer, and SolidWorks Speak three languages, fluent in Arabic, and English, not bad in German language. Very good with team working and leadership. My dream is to work in a R&D in an automotive industry. Ready to give 110% in order to get the job done.

Design Entries

Private project
Private project
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  • Philadelphia Private University Bachelor's Degree, Mechanical Engineering 2016 graduation

Age: 31

Joined: July 26, 2016

Last seen: April 27, 2024


Amman, 'Amman, Jordan