Blog Post How To Get a New Product or Prototype Made for Kickstarter and Indiegogo
The creation of crowdfunding and the mainstream acceptance of crowdfunding platforms has provided a new avenue to bring innovative ideas to the world. Venture capitalists and business loans are no longer
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imaging techniques and modalities which will be capable of capturing the areas of the equine and large animal patient, that are most prone to injury and currently inaccessible, and deliver high-resolution
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Laravel is a renowned PHP framework that stands out for its smooth syntax, advanced functionalities, and scalability. Our group of proficient Laravel developers, including experienced PHP developers, is well-equipped
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Blog Post The Benefits of Using Design Simulation at Your Company
photographs, or documents into digital data for backup purposes and to prevent decay or destruction. Digital files are easier to edit and share on computers without even touching the original copies. People
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Blog Post How to Reduce Painful Product Development Costs for Your Company
How can you reduce painful product development costs for your company? Even artisans and inventors from centuries ago understood the importance of prototyping in the product development process. They created
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Blog Post Top 100 Sites for Free 3D Models and CAD Block Libraries
files and main 3D models online? Every 3D modeler and CAD service freelancer can find inspiration with a computer and an internet connection. The virtual world is filled with millions of free and paid 3D
Blog Post Top 10 Furniture Design Software Used by 3D Modeling Freelancers and Product Design Firms
ways that 3D modeling software has changed things. New ideas can be brought to life faster than ever, and kinks can be worked out of modern designs with ease before the first physical prototype has even been
Blog Post 12 Unique Product Design Ideas
to design technology and the increasing affordability of 3D printers and other small-scale manufacturing processes have moved product design capability out of the hands of the few and into the open arms
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Blog Post Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Tips (DFMA) — Cut Your Product Design Company's Production Costs
product, the efficiency of the manufacturing process behind it, and the profitability of the product. With so many factors to consider and their significance to the project, how can a new product be designed
Blog Post How Crowdsourcing Industrial Design Can Evolve New Product Ideas
appear and at some point someone had the idea of developing a new widget, or improving an existing one. As members of the human race that’s just what we do: look for ways to make our lives simpler and more