Hi everyone,

New here, I've read through the rules and didn't find anything that could be against what I am about to ask. Hope I haven't missed anything.

I am a mechanical engineer with 5 years of experience in valve industry. I would love to gain some deeper knowledge and experience within injection moulded part design.

So here is what I'm looking for - I'd like to get in touch with somebody who works in injection moulding part design. My aim is to try out at a few tasks you could share with me, to get some "mentorship" or insight from industry know-how. In return, with a bit of time, I would be happy to help out with your projects to rezurn the favor. Or anything else you might have in mind. I am only interested in learning, maybe creating a small portfolio for myself (depending on what I could use for that purpose, in agreement with you). Financial compensation or anything like that does not interest me.

That's it, if you are interested we can talk more and see if we can arrange some kind of collaboration. I'm in Europe, so preferably you are as well.
