Fireplace remodelBlind

in Interior Design held by Matt Anderson
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
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Need a design mock-up for a fireplace remodel, with dimensions. As pictured, the existing mantel is 13 ft long; the wall is 17 ft long and just over 8 ft tall. Want a wooden mantel, probably with new cabinets on either side of the fireplace. Would like the fireplace front to be a reddish aged brick, as pictured in the column, although I'm open to new ideas on the fireplace front, and the hearth (floor area in front of fireplace). TV will be mounted above mantel, which leans me toward wanting a larger mantel to offset the size of the TV.
Whatever looks cool subject to above description.


= Buyer's Rating
1st Winner
#2 fireplace v1 by Milan Borovic
#1 1 by Arhitecto
Download Files
#4 Fireplace by Mahbub
#5 Updated Fireplace by ellacar
#7 FirePlace by arkiattack
#8 Fireplace Redesign - Simple by evanlivingston
#9 fireplace by tsuen


Sat, 26 May 2018 08:23:26 +0000
What is the total dimension of your existing fire chamber? Do you want to use all both spaces for your cabinet?

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