Suspended carbon fibre hammock bath

in CAD Design held by JimboPenguin
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
  • Open
  • Choosing Finalist
  • Ended
As part of my home renovation I would like to create a stunning and comfortable carbon fibre hammock bath, which will be suspended by two wall mounted supports.

The bath will be manufactured by taking the 3D CAD model created by this design contest and creating a wooden blank using a CNC machine. The wooden blank will then be wrapped in carbon fibre cloth for strength, waterproofing and aesthetics.

I have some dimensions, weight specifications and other requirements such as the location of the bath filler, bath waste, water pipes and head rest.
- Cost
- Time to complete the 3D CAD model
- If anyone has structural design experience then this will be advantageous
- If anyone has experience of carbon fibre structures then this will be advantageous
  1. .3DM format CAD model
Additional Information
The PDF attached provides an example of the type of bath I am creating but is only a guide and the bath the winner creates may or may not closely follow its design ideas. The approximate dimensions are 200cm long by 70cm wide but I don't have an approximation of the height.


= Buyer's Rating
1st Winner
#27 Suspended carbon fibre hammock bath rev3 by Michael Dimou
#30 hammock bath tub by Albertus Putra
#21 Carbon Bath v2.0 by ODBDesign
#22 Refision for Suspended fibre hammock design concept by ARZSTUDIODESIGN
#23 bathtub by shantanu
#24 Suspended carbon fibre hammock bath - by Adriano Ordoz Barissa by Adriano Ordoz Barissa
#26 Suspended carbon fibre hammock bath rev2 by Michael Dimou
#29 Freestanding Option by ODBDesign
#20 Carbon Fibre Hammock by Jinen Sheth
#34 Hammock-Tub V3 by Adam
#35 Hammock by Otto Katz
#36 HamBath by DesignLab
#37 Elude by DesignLab
#10 Model_1 by saurabh5496
#2 Hammock by REDA
#3 Gondola Bath by Steersman
#4 carbon fibre hammock bath by MUNISWARAN
#5 Carbon Bath v1.0 by ODBDesign
#6 Carbon Bath v1.1 by ODBDesign
#7 Suspended carbon fibre hammock bath REV1 by Michael Dimou
#8 Suspended carbon fibre hammock bath REV2 by Michael Dimou
#11 good nap by REDA
#12 Suspended carbon fibre hammock bath by edward m barnes
#13 Suspension concept design by ARZSTUDIODESIGN
#14 hammock-tub by Adam
#15 Hammock Bath by Admir Pirni
#18 Aplication on wall by ARZSTUDIODESIGN




Mon, 23 Jan 2017 10:43:08 +0000
This site just keeps getting better and better



Sat, 21 Jan 2017 17:02:11 +0000
As long as you understand the carbon fiber fabrication process using epoxy resins with female molds you can adjust your design further. Most of the designs here are not possible to fabricate just as it is. All need to be further refined. I hope you can get it done. Even wood block also can make by slicing it and fixing them together.
If you remember that I mentioned long ago, even if you have perfect design you won't be able to get it done in one shot. Based on experience I know that. With experienced fabricator and with your chosen designers support I believe you can get it done. There is no magic in this.
I have seen this kind of criticisms when someone disappoint with his design. Thats your problem. Its time to stop this bad attitude.
Sat, 21 Jan 2017 16:28:23 +0000
Hysterical comments. I have to agree though, the buyer needs to do their research when selecting a "winner". Lots of people just throw a design together without thinking about how the product will function or how it be manufactured. The buyer gets screwed, the designer gets the money, and the winning design never sees the light of day because it can't be built. So a lesson to the buyers out there - know what you're wanting to produce. Do your research on the designer before picking a "winner". It ultimately makes this website look bad when "designers" come here and know nothing about the manufacturing process.

Michael Dimou


Sat, 21 Jan 2017 10:46:50 +0000
Tell me a reason why it is not manufacturable, if you mean the wood underneath you're right not economic to simply be an idea, but the shape of the bathtub why not be manufacturable? I think the purpose of the website of the camaraderie and competition to defame some designers like you, if indeed my plan lacks construction I would like an answer by arguments as mechanical engineers, not as designers.

;lzsvpja-] bja]=


Sat, 21 Jan 2017 04:33:27 +0000
When you figure out the one you bought is not manufacturable feel free to come back and buy one that is.



Sat, 21 Jan 2017 02:53:42 +0000
How is that curved wood supported ?

Must be magic.



Sat, 21 Jan 2017 02:48:11 +0000
Unreal. The buyer selects a design depicting a 300 pound block of wood that will cost more than the tub.
A photoshop picture wins again.



Tue, 20 Dec 2016 13:07:52 +0000
General comment to everyone - thank you for your designs, there are some very interesting and creative ideas coming up! Sorry I haven't been responding to people's messages, i'm travelling for the whole of December so I'm not online very often. I should be able to select the winner pretty quickly after the contest ends. Again, any experience in structural engineering and carbon manufacturing will be helpful as I'm particularly weak in these areas.



Tue, 06 Dec 2016 07:42:47 +0000
please, comment my design concept if u like my concept design. thaks you very much



Mon, 05 Dec 2016 19:24:53 +0000
Hello sir, Do like my model?



Tue, 29 Nov 2016 18:49:03 +0000
Hi JimboPenguin, first welcome, and thanks for providing us designers with another challenge. I've submitted a concept design for you to look at so please give me any feedback. However, and I mean this in the most respectful way possible, for $200 you will in no way get a full manufacture ready design from a designer worth working with. Please consider that the cost of the bath in the PDF was $35000 dollars and you only want to pay the designer $200? If a concept is all you are after, and an idea for shape and form, $200 is fine and well done for prepaying as this makes a big difference. I would suggest the best way for you to move your project forward is to choose a designer from the concept designs created from this competition and then work with that designer in the future on a more realistic pay scheme.

This is of course just my opinion and I will continue to follow, and contribute, to your project.

Best of luck



Tue, 29 Nov 2016 08:27:54 +0000
I have updated my project in response to the comments you have all made:
1) I have increased the prize from $150 to $250
2) I have increased the duration from 7d to 21d to give time for more people to enter the contest



Tue, 29 Nov 2016 08:22:58 +0000
Hi Jim,
It is very interesting contest. Would like to join.
Is it possible to extend the contest if you are not in a hurry.

Because most of us working full time for some company and come here on free time. To make good design concept it will need to do considerable amount of sketches. Then select one of those themes and improve it. Source matching accessory components from reliable suppliers and finalize the concept takes more than a week.

If you can extend it up to 2-3 weeks, it may help get more design concepts. So you can have handful of options to make the final choice.




Tue, 29 Nov 2016 07:29:51 +0000
Good morning Adriano,

Many thanks for your initial design entry. It is already very good and I am amazed by how rapidly and beautifully you have drafted it! I have a few edits that I would like:
1) If you look at the picture on page 2 you will see that the bath is quite a lot deeper and therefore can hold more water.
2) I will be used a different mounting system to the bath shown in the PDF; I will have two tubes parallel to the floor (perpendicular to the wall), which will replace the two wall mounting flaps/flanges (sorry - my engineering vocabulary isn't very good at this point). Are you able to design a mounting point/receiver for the tubes at each end to replace the flanges and try to blend them in with the overall design aesthetic?
3) How thick is the bath and is the thickness constant throughout? I believe the example bath probably gets thicker in the middle but I'm not 100% sure.
4) Do you have any experience with engineering and can you advise on the carbon fibre construction in terms of the number of layers, areas that will need reinforcement, etc?




Mon, 28 Nov 2016 21:16:17 +0000
My first project on here so I have literally no idea what is a reasonable prize value. I'm open to suggestions.
Mon, 28 Nov 2016 20:50:01 +0000
I would agree, increase the contest amount for better quality submittals. The price you have is more for conceptual instead of production ready
Mon, 28 Nov 2016 20:23:18 +0000

I could help you with you design.
I design aircraft carbon fiber structures for a living and my expertise is composite design.
I think that for $120 USD you will not get anything worth producing but if you really want to speak with real experts, let me know.

Good luck!



Mon, 28 Nov 2016 17:51:45 +0000
PS other requirements:
1) the headrest will integrate a low profile, wide spreading bath filler that will not only fill the bath but will also warm the backrest so that when the user enters the bath it is already comfortably warm.
2) The bath will be suspended approximately 15cm off the floor and water will exit the bath at the bottom and flow into a drain on the bathroom floor.
3) The bath will be suspended by two metal brackets that attach to the bathroom wall.
4) The bath will be required to support a human weighing up to 150kg and up to 100kg of water.



Mon, 28 Nov 2016 17:47:24 +0000
Thank you for your comment greetz - i have added some Additional Information to my project and pasted it here by way of response: The PDF attached provides an example of the type of bath I am creating but is only a guide and the bath the winner creates may or may not closely follow its design ideas. The approximate dimensions are 200cm long by 70cm wide but I don't have an approximation of the height.
Mon, 28 Nov 2016 17:19:43 +0000

where can we find the dimensions and other requirements?
I looked to the attachment but that's just publicity...

greetz frederic

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