Blog Post Top 100 Electronics Design Companies to Create Prototypes for Hardware Startups
business of Variscite is mainly product-oriented. However, the company is the primary partner of NXP Semiconductors/Freescale and has early access to the ARM-based i.MX8 family solutions. 4. TOPIC
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Blog Post What is the Difference Between CAD and CAM? - History of the Industry
aerospace industry was pioneering CAD use in the 1970s. CAD was also adapted to be used in the semiconductor market, where computers were able to predict the current flow. As computers became more powerful
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Blog Post Top 101 Female Inventions that Changed the World & Women’s Innovation History
product? Bringing your invention to market 81. Semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror Ursula Keller invented and demonstrated the SESAM or semiconductor saturable absorber mirror in 1992. SESAMs are saturable
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Blog Post Top 50 Resources to Find a Manufacturing Company for Your New Product Design
categories, including consumer goods, automobiles, metal, electronic, beauty care, chemical/plastic, semiconductor, construction, and machinery. The miscellaneous category is currently occupied by a company in
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Blog Post 100 Famous Inventors and Their Best Invention Ideas
Walter Brattain Working together at Bell Labs, the three invented the first practical effective semiconductor amplifier on December 16, 1947. The electric component was called the point-contact transistor
Blog Post Top 101 New Product Design and Development Firms for Services in the US
industrial design to prototyping, production documentation, and engineering. They primarily serve semiconductor processing, industrial equipment, information technologies, and laboratory and medical, and consumer
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Blog Post Top 100 Famous Female Inventors in History & Modern Women Inventors
first-ever thermoelectric power generator in 1947. With the help of this technology combined with the semiconductor thermoelectricity principles, Telkes created the first 100 percent solar heating system for Dover
Blog Post Top 11 Brilliant Inventions Discovered by Accident
items and automotive products, for example carpets, windshield wipers, the coating on glasses, semiconductor manufacturing, hair treatment appliances, light bulbs, lubricants, and even stain repellant in