Global rank:
51,705 / 84,527
Skill pts: 0


Inzhener-proyektirovshchik elektricheskikh setey 0,4 i 10 kV, opyt proyektirovaniya boleye 15 let.Soglasovaniye prinyatykh tekhnicheskikh resheniy v zaintresovannykh organizatsiy. Sostavleniye elektricheskikh skhem i podbor elektrooborudovaniya v setyakh 0,4 i 10 kV. Dokumentatsiyu oformlyayu v AutoCad.
274 / 5 000
Результаты перевода
Engineer-designer of electrical networks 0.4 and 10 kV, design experience for more than 15 years. Coordination of adopted technical solutions in interested organizations. Drawing up electrical diagrams and selection of electrical equipment in networks of 0.4 and 10 kV. Documentation is done in AutoCad.


Joined: August 9, 2022

Last seen: February 3, 2023


Odesa, Ukraine