Apply for job contracts & projects

When a freelance job piques your interest, you can apply for the contract work using your Job Credits. Job applications help you showcase your industry experience to prospective clients and share your abilities and background.

Your application is an excellent opportunity to emphasize that your skills are compatible with the client’s work and propose a job action plan. When the client replies to your application, you can chat and make video calls with the client using the Cad Crowd inbox.

Steps to apply for a job contract:

  1. Find jobs: Go to the freelance job search
  2. Apply: Choose a job > click Apply now button
  3. Rates: Add an hourly rate or fixed-rate quote
  4. Cover letter: Create a short cover letter to introduce yourself and your skills
  5. Files/samples: Attach files to showcase your relevant work (optional)
  6. Submit application: Click Submit application button

🛰️ Tip: Read our article with tips on creating an application and cover letter to get you hired.

Do you still have questions?
We're here to help. Send us an email or get a personalized quote.