Designer Alain
CAD Design Professional
Business owner since 1994 Mechanical Engineering degree in 1996 Specialized in Research and Development and Project Management Worked in: Open wheel racing series, Internal combustion race engines, Jet turbine engines, Product design and...
CAD Design Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering Mold Design Product Design Product Design and Development Product Engineering Prototyping
Designer Alain Rubin
CAD Design
Designer alainb
CAD Design
Designer alainq
CAD Design
Designer alainm
CAD Design
Designer AlainVat
Advanced mechanical engineering student with ZW3D / Inventor / SolidEdge / Freecad experience
2D to 3D Conversion Services 3D Art Design Services 3D Design Services 3D Modeling 3D Models of Machine Parts 3D Product Modeling 3D Solid Modeling CAD Design DIY Design Engineering Design Gadgets Design General Design Inventor 2022 Jewelry Design Mechanical CAD Design Mechanical Design Services Mechanical Drafting Mechanical Drawing Services Mechanical Engineering New Invention Development Open Innovation Pet Product Design Product Engineering Services Prototype Design Engineering Rapid Prototyping Services Reverse Engineering Solid Edge Toys & Games Design Wearables Design ZW3D
Blog Post Top 30 Famous Industrial Designers & Product Developers Worldwide
international brands on recognizable projects. 25. Alain Monnens Founder of his Belgium-based award-winning design studio, Alain Monnens specializes in lighting, furniture, and the creation of
Blog Post A Brief History of 3D Printing
the product development process. Only three years later, in 1984, a team of French inventors led by Alain Le Mehaute applied for the first patents on the stereolithography method, which is still widely used
3D printing 3d printing design additive manufacturing CAD design product design