Blog Post Guide to New Product Design and Development: Bring Your Concept Prototype to Market
Bringing an invention to life is a dream come true for many product design services. Maybe you’re a barista who has found a new tool to make French press coffee. Or you’re a personal trainer who has invented a
Blog Post Top 11 Brilliant Inventions Discovered by Accident
that happened merely by mistake or were caused by a lack of discipline. Here are some great product design discoveries and inventions that came about thanks to some lucky accidents. I. Penicillin Antibiotics
Blog Post 100 Famous Inventors and Their Best Invention Ideas
Guttenberg’s printing press is the most important invention of all time. One of the unique components of his design was the use of matrices to cast types with excellent accuracy and in large quantities. He also incorporated
Blog Post Top 101 Female Inventions that Changed the World & Women’s Innovation History
watching your colorful fish, you might want to express your gratitude to Jeanne Villepreux-Power, a French naturalist. Back in 1832, she was attempting to prove that the paper nautilus didn’t take the discarded
inventions new products product design
Blog Post Top 100 Famous Female Inventors in History & Modern Women Inventors
after her. 4. Agnès Poulbot (1967-present) Agnès Poulbot was a French researcher who made improvements to car tires. Poulbot’s tire-tread design was responsible for their better strength and ability to last
Blog Post Dassault Software: Comparison List for Freelance CAD Designers & Engineers
CAD designers and engineers have a multitude of software choices. There is a plethora of different design programs to choose from. Since the 1980s, many different software developers have created both 2D