3D Model ribbon-blender-machine
ribbon blender machine
Service Blender 3D Modeling Services
Unleash the power of Blender for your 3D modeling and CAD design projects Over the years, technology has revolutionized the world and become an essential part of our lives. Thanks to explosive and powerful
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3D Model Car-Animation | Blender Animation
Made this car animation in blender to enhancing my 3d animation skills in blender.
3D Model Blender Modeling and Rendering
Miscellaneous renderings done in blender 3D.
Job Blender 3D rendering job
I am looking for 3D rendering expert using Blender to make a 3D presentation of a public toilet project I am working on.
3D Rendering 3D Rendering Services
Designer Daren Scot Wilson
Blender Animator
physicists, astronomers, medical doctors on devices, calibration, computer vision, R&D. Picked up Blender way back in BeOS days, got good at it. Now I use it, if not directly for work, for making illustrations
3D Modeling Analog Electronics Design Blender Blender 3D Modeling Services C++ Programming CAD Design G. Optical GIMP Illustration Inkscape Lighting Design Motion Graphics OpenFOAM Photography Physics PSpice Python Simulation Textures
Designer gianlucag
Blender Artist
I use mainly blender for modelling and creating all sorts of things, i especially like hard surface modelling and environment creation.
Blender CAD Design
Designer markz
Blender & SolidWorks
3D 360 Degree Panorama 3D Animation 3D Animation Rigging 3D Art Design 3D Character Animation 3D Logo Design 3D Modeling 3D Modeling 3D Sculpting 3D Sculpting Design 3D Solid Modeling 3D Virtual Reality Rendering 3D Visualization Services Blender CAD Design SolidWorks
3D Model Phillips Essence Hand Blender Re-design
This is a redesign made for the "Product Analysis" cathedra of the Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo in 2019. As a team, we reviwed, documented, analysed, and redisign, the Philips Essence Hand mixer into a cordless hand...
Job Blender adaptation of a makeHuman model
I need continuous help in preparing some human bodies in different poses made with Blender`s addon called makeHuman.
Blender 3D Design Services