Blocks and Pulleys, and Strings…. Oh My!Blind

in 3D Rendering Services held by clayp1
Contest Ended, Winner(s) have been selected.
  • Open
  • Choosing Finalist
  • Ended
This is a new kid’s toy that uses strings with blocks, pulleys, motors, trolley, carriage, hooks, and claws. The components can be attached with temporary double-sided tape, to walls, ceilings, and floor areas (horizontal and vertical surfaces. and inside and outside corners, window and door frames) in a room(s).
The objective of this campaign is to use as many of the components (attached files) as you can, making a zip line, trolley, crane, and anything else that your imagination can come up with. Draw the components in 3D. Their sizes should be kid size (apx 4”) and placed inside a scale size room. Make the parts of each component colorful and fun. The components use a double-sided sticky tape to be attached to the surface. The setup must be done inside a room(s).
Don't Wants:
Simple designs.
  1. SolidWorks
Additional Information
I need is a design that uses most if not all the components. I am not looking for detailed components. Just a fun use of the components. How would a Kid play with this toy??


= Buyer's Rating
#4 TK... by ZOUHAIR


Gregorius Giga


Mon, 09 Aug 2021 17:12:49 +0000
Your feedback will help us to get what you really need.



Fri, 30 Jul 2021 19:05:30 +0000
i had't used any of sting spool, i had worked on it with some of my manual scrolling mechanism, so that the kids can have manual movement or we can also suggest them with slant or anggular attachment of rope so that for free flying with the help of taper sliding alternatively, all i mean to make u understand is my design and diagram is automatic and manual without motors, so that ofcourse it costs u less and make a kid active by using it manually, its not an big deal to fix a motor, but still its my small caring suggestion to share with



Fri, 30 Jul 2021 16:37:27 +0000
My measurements assuemed as (20"Lx15"Bx15" h) room



Thu, 29 Jul 2021 12:57:43 +0000
See new attachment. Measurements are approximate, Think what a kid would like. I am excited to see your work!!!
Thu, 29 Jul 2021 12:05:15 +0000
Nice Contest. However, you have not given any measurements. Could you please give the measurements?



Mon, 26 Jul 2021 16:39:30 +0000
It’s a kids toy, so size it for kids. The pulleys shouldn’t be over 4-6”. The grappler claw is at the top of the docs. The trolly may or may not have a motor. The one that doesn’t, must be moved using a to/fro strings. Hope this helps!
Mon, 26 Jul 2021 08:09:17 +0000
Hi, Thanks for this contest.
You write about 4" apx for the scale but which part must be this measurement ?
I don't see claws in you PDF, have you some informations about it ?
The smart trolley seems to have a motor but I've understood that this part move with the help of the line movement.
Could you help us with this ?


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