Global rank:
38,849 / 94,015
Skill pts: 0


CSWA Certified Mechanical Drafter
Attended Tennessee College of Applied Sciences, Mechanical Drafting. Experience with SolidWorks, AutoCAD and Inventor. Total combined experience is 5 years.


  • CAD Operator Lochinvar · Full-time Jul 2018 – Present 6 yrs 7 mos Lebanon, TN, United States Mechanical design using 3D parametric modeling software. Drafting and Design in the field of water heaters, boilers, and heat exchange systems for commercial and industrial use.

    As built modeling design process and use of ASME industry standards.


  • TN College of Applied Science Cad & Drafting Technology, Mechanical Drafter Diploma, 92.48 2017 – 2018 Activities and Societies: Home based projects in wood working Lay out and reproduce standard orthographic, or angle views in order to depict functional relationships between components, assemblies, systems, and machinery.

Other experience

  • Telecommunication Systems Engineer Design site plans for new and existing copper or fiber optic network installations for AT&T

Licenses & Certifications