Last updated: Jan 13, 2025
Hire freelance CAD designers, 3D modelers, and product design and development experts in Beaverton today! Cad Crowd connects clients with industry-leading CAD freelancers ready to handle any design challenge you can throw at them. Contact us today for a free quote, and we'll match you with the industry-leading CAD professionals your project deserves.
Cad Crowd takes a bit of a different approach from other online CAD design companies. We take the hassle and guesswork out of online hiring by connecting clients with pre-vetted, reliable, and qualified CAD designers from our curated roster of top-ranking freelancers.
We evaluate every project on a case-by-case basis. Ever project is unique and calls for unique solutions, and we match clients with precisely the services they need to realize their project goals.
Our services are highly flexible and custom-tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Our freelancers are available for both short and long-term contracts. Our clients include both independent entrepreneurs and inventors as well as larger firms. We help clients looking to bring on industrial design and product development expertise to bring their new products to market as well as companies looking to outsource some of their drafting and design workload.
We offer a comprehensive range of services covering a wide variety of industries. From 3D modeling to drafting to architectural design, our CAD freelancers are ready to tackle whatever project you're working on. Our designers have experience in medical device design, automotive design, packaging design, and interior design. Whether you're looking to create a new toy or game or have the next big kitchen product, our designers and drafters are ready to help you bring it to market.
Our services are available using all major CAD design software. If you're looking for expertise in a particular piece of software, just let us know. We're also ready to help you identify the most appropriate tools for your project. Whether you need AutoCAD freelancers, Siemens NX designers, or SolidEdge 3D modelers, we've got the design talent you need.
We also offer USPTO patenting services, product licensing, and contract manufacturing services to help you bring your product to market and to protect your intellectual property.
Send us your project description today for a free quote! Based on your unique project requirements, we'll match you with the world-class CAD freelancers in Beaverton you need to succeed.