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Thermal Coffee Carafe Product Improvement Anyone

Client active

About the job

One of my brands sells coffeeware products and one specific product has a big need for a Product/Mechanical Engineer and/or Product Designer to improve the design in hopes of addressing some customer issues that have arisen. The specific coffeeware product is a coffee carafe and below is a list of product quality issues I have compiled for this product:

- Rust Issues
- Internal Coating Comes Off
- Interior develops white residue
- Chemical smell affecting taste of beverage
- Exterior becomes warm
One of my brands sells coffeeware products and one specific product has a big need for a Product/Mechanical Engineer and/or Product Designer to improve the design in hopes of addressing some customer issues that have arisen. The specific coffeeware product is a coffee carafe and below is a list of product quality issues I have compiled for this product:

- Rust Issues
- Internal Coating Comes Off
- Interior develops white residue
- Chemical smell affecting taste of beverage
- Exterior becomes warm
One of my brands sells coffeeware products and one specific product has a big need for a Product/Mechanical Engineer and/or Product Designer to improve the design in hopes of addressing some customer issues that have arisen. The specific coffeeware product is a coffee carafe and below is a list of product quality issues I have compiled for this product:

- Rust Issues
- Internal Coating Comes O... read more
One of my brands sells coffeeware products and one specific product has a big need for a Product/Mechanical Engineer and/or Product Designer to improve the design in hopes of addressing some customer issues that have arisen. The specific coffeeware product is a coffee carafe and below is a list of product quality issues I have compiled for this product:

- Rust Issues
- Internal Coating Comes Off
- Interior develops white residue
- Chemical smell affecting taste of beverage
- Exterior becomes warm read less
Screen Shot 2024-05-07 at 4.54.57 PM.png png May 20, 2024
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king2.stl stl May 20, 2024
Queen.stl stl May 20, 2024

Things to know

Job location


Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

CAD Mechanical Engineering Product Designer Product Engineering

Job categories

Product Engineering Services

About the client

Payment not ready

United States (11:48 pm)



Job activity

26 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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Thermal Coffee Carafe Product Improvement

Remote - Posted
One of my brands sells coffeeware products and one specific product has a big need for a Product/Mechanical Engineer and/or Product Designer to improve the design in hopes of...
Mechanical Engineering
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