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Dry Fire Sprinkler Design Anyone

Client active

About the job

I need help designing a small Dry Sprinkler system for a barn. This in not required and does not have to meet any codes, but I want it to help in the event of a fire. I don't need detailed hydro calcs, just valve recommendation and sprinkler layout and type. Ther will only be about 15 heads. I'm happy to pay by the hour since if that makes sence.
I need help designing a small Dry Sprinkler system for a barn. This in not required and does not have to meet any codes, but I want it to help in the event of a fire. I don't need detailed hydro calcs, just valve recommendation and sprinkler layout and type. Ther will only be about 15 heads. I'm happy to pay by the hour since if that makes sence.
I need help designing a small Dry Sprinkler system for a barn. This in not required and does not have to meet any codes, but I want it to help in the event of a fire. I don't need detailed hydro calcs, just valve recommendation and sprinkler layout and type. Ther will only be about 15 heads. I'm happy to pay by the hour since if that makes sence.
I need help designing a small Dry Sprinkler system for a barn. This in not required and does not have to meet any codes, but I want it to help in the event of a fire. I don't need detailed hydro calcs, just valve recommendation and sprinkler layout and type. Ther will only be about 15 heads. I'm happy to pay by the hour since if that makes sence.
A4.11 BARN DRAWINGS REVISED 2024-3-3 (2).pdf pdf Apr 03, 2024

Things to know

Job location


Work location

Job skill level


Skill Level

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise

2D Sketching

Job categories

Fire Sprinkler Drawing Services

About the client

Payment ready

United States (10:52 am)



Job activity

12 Applicants

2 interviews in progress

Apply now