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Student-part time Anyone

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About the job

I have a main watershed file that lists the locations/boundaries for watersheds.
I have 7 other route shapefiles that list the routes used for snowplow.
I want to create a visualization that depicts this. For example, I want to create a user dropdown menu that gives users the opportunity to filter by snow route/depot name. To see how each route correlates between watersheds.
I may need help with making a finished end look that makes this information easily readable for users. Using QGIS
I have a main watershed file that lists the locations/boundaries for watersheds.
I have 7 other route shapefiles that list the routes used for snowplow.
I want to create a visualization that depicts this. For example, I want to create a user dropdown menu that gives users the opportunity to filter by snow route/depot name. To see how each route correlates between watersheds.
I may need help with making a finished end look that makes this information easily readable for users. Using QGIS
I have a main watershed file that lists the locations/boundaries for watersheds.
I have 7 other route shapefiles that list the routes used for snowplow.
I want to create a visualization that depicts this. For example, I want to create a user dropdown menu that gives users the opportunity to filter by snow route/depot name. To see how each route correlates between watersheds.
I may need help w... read more
I have a main watershed file that lists the locations/boundaries for watersheds.
I have 7 other route shapefiles that list the routes used for snowplow.
I want to create a visualization that depicts this. For example, I want to create a user dropdown menu that gives users the opportunity to filter by snow route/depot name. To see how each route correlates between watersheds.
I may need help with making a finished end look that makes this information easily readable for users. Using QGIS read less

Things to know

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Skill Level

Job rate


Fixed-rate (USD)

Job type


Job type

Job length

Under 1-month

Job duration

Areas of expertise


Job categories


About the client

Payment not ready

El Salvador (11:09 am)



Job activity

0 Applicants

0 interviews in progress

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