Rapidform (old) Designer
Last updated: Feb 12, 2025
Rapidform is a package of 3D scan data processing software that allows you to go to a fully parametric CAD model from a 3D scan data. It presented itself as the right tool to scan 3D parts and make native models using Autodesk Inventor, to create native CAD models for Siemens NX, and for reverse engineering that works with the CAD environment.
Before its integration with Geomagic Software by 3D Systems, Inc., Rapidform was offered by Inus Technology, Inc. in three primary data processing packages – XOS (Scan), XOR (Redesign), and XOV (Verifier). After its integration in 2013, the three packages took on new names. Rapidform XOS became Geomagic XOS, Rapidform XOR became Geomagic Design X, and Rapidform XOV became Geomagic Verify.
Rapidform was widely used for product inspection, redesign, and reverse engineering. It is capable of removing redundant overlapping points and comes with triangulation operations in 2D and 3D.
Cad Crowd has a community of Rapidform freelancers who can help with all your 3D data processing needs, from scanning to verification. Equipped with the skills and knowledge in the CAD program, they can handle and deliver Rapidform services in any size, scope, and level of complexity.
If you are looking for a freelance Rapidform designer, we can help you with that. We will match you directly with a vetted and pre-qualified professional, so you don’t need to go through the usual recruitment process. Based on your project description and requirements, we will assign the most suitable contractor. This ensures a job well done with little to no re-work.
This also means a project finished on time, especially because Rapidform XOS allows processing of raw 3D scan data into meshes and NURBS surface models of high quality in just a few minutes. Also, any 3D scanner can be capable of optimizing meshes or point clouds through the use of automated wizard-based tools, eliminating constraints brought on by incompatible equipment.
The Rapidform XOV or Verifier, on the other hand, is the first software in the world that uses dense point cloud data for Systematic Inspection Processing. It is designed with the customer inspection process in mind, allowing for fast and easy inspection and detailed planning. Our Rapidform freelancers will use the Verifier for scan-to-scan and scan-to-CAD comparisons to ensure the accuracy of a project.
With such sophisticated features and capabilities, Rapidform will ensure higher productivity and shorter schedules. In the hands of experienced freelancers and designers, they can become powerful tools for analysis, scanning, inspection, and design.
Whether you’re looking to hire a freelance Rapidform designer for the short-term, long-term, or only until you keep under control the sudden influx of design projects, our network of freelancers got you covered. They can work with you remotely, individually, or as part of your team.
Hire Rapidform services from Cad Crowd today. Submit your project description for a free quote and, based on the requirements outlined, we will connect you with a highly skilled freelancer specializing in the software program.