Getting started with jobs

Welcome to the Cad Crowd community, where you will join 100,000+ members worldwide who use our platform to find and hire skilled experts. We are excited to be your home for innovative collaboration and success.

Why Cad Crowd?

  • Posting a job on our platform is free.
  • On average, it takes only 2-days to hire an expert on Cad Crowd.
  • 24/7 support team for your job success.

Your hiring process is separated into three stages:

1. Posting your job

  • To start working with experts on Cad Crowd, you can post a job and choose between an hourly or fixed-rate contract.
  • Describe your job requirements, job duration, and skills needed for job success.
  • Please add a payment method to your account. You can post your job for free; your billing method is required to send a job contract and prevent spam.

2. Evaluate candidates

  • Evaluate and shortlist your favorite candidates for the work. 
  • You can invite talent by searching expert profiles and sending invites. Learn more.
  • Chat with applicants about your job requirements and evaluate responses.
  • You can call experts to discuss your work in more detail with the Zoom function built into your inbox.

3. Hire an expert

  • Once you hire an expert, you can take specific steps to ensure a smooth transition.
  • You should have an orientation meeting to establish ground rules for your work. During this meeting, you should discuss topics such as:
    • Communication expectations
    • Availability and working hours
    • How the work is submitted and reviewed
    • Progress review processes
    • Additionally, you should introduce your new team member(s) to the rest of your online work team they will be interacting with and add them to group chats in your inbox. The introduction ensures that everyone is on the same page and that your project runs smoothly.
  • We recommend that you stay in close contact with the expert to avoid communication issues. 
  • Review the expert’s Work Journal and timesheets for hourly jobs to ensure the billable hours meet your budget expectations.
  • Also, it’s important to manage billing and payments on time.
    • Hourly jobs: We will automatically invoice you for hourly contracts based on your agreement with the expert. 
    • Fixed-rate jobs: Each payment milestone should be completed and paid at the mutually agreed time for fixed-rate jobs.
  • It is essential to follow the terms of your contract to ensure timely payment. If you have any questions about billing or payments, don’t hesitate to contact our support team for assistance.

Good luck with your new job!

More tips for job success

We recommend you follow these steps for your job:

  1. Project details: Ensure you share a detailed project summary when you hire an expert contractor.
  2. Completion date: Discuss the target delivery date with the expert.
  3. Fixed-rate jobs/Milestones: Break your job into multiple project posts and set reasonable payment milestones if you’re collaborating on a large project (i.e., 25% for research and initial concepts, 35% for the first draft, and 40% for the finalized design, etc.).

Remember that we hold your payment for your projects until you confirm project completion and accuracy guarantee for your job.

Do you still have questions?
We're here to help. Send us an email or get a personalized quote.