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Tele Wiki Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus
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Sebastien Debeanst Sebastien Debaenst August 14, 2016, 09:00• Viewing time: 9 minutes 0 comments
In a few weeks time has come: the herald of Apple's new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. This Tele Wiki go Daan and Bouke tell you all about it.
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Next year, the iPhone is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Hence Apple probably chose then to provide his iPhone a completely new design. And what does it better now with a newly designed device than a new name? Because there is doubt surrounding the naming of Apple's new iPhone. Looking at the pattern that Apple has followed so far are a logical successor to the iPhone 6, iPhone 7 is. But it can be so good that Apple during the presentation of its new smartphones has a surprise: another name for its new iPhone then iPhone 7.

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A reliable source has announced that Apple once again assumes a redesigned iPhone 6 release this year, and it ...

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iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus

Because we do assume that the new iPhone will be called iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus we also use these names in the remote wiki. As already mentioned here, the new iPhone from Apple, will be looking to leaked images and renders, get a design that is very similar to that of their predecessors. The only real change will be in the design of the antenna lines will no longer run on the device but around the lower and upper edge of the iPhone 7. This makes the devices look much neater (in pictures) out. However, the antenna-lines are of course not the only change. For example, the iPhone 7 Plus also include a dual rear camera will, both units will have better specifications and will likely no longer headphone jack found on the iPhone. So if you want to listen to music on the iPhone 7 (Plus) you have to use a wireless headset or one with a Lightning connector.

iphone 7


Joined: August 31, 2016


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