invention marketing

Product Design Guide for Freelancers Developing an Invention

Back in the days of the burgeoning Industrial Revolution, inventors were plentiful and always hard at work trying to bring…

5 years ago

How to Market Your New Product: 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid

The job isn't over when the product design process is completed. Without a market to support the production and distribution…

8 years ago

Prototyping for Product Development & Investor Presentations

Prototyping is one of the most exciting and creative parts of the product development process. Your prototype will be the…

9 years ago

From Idea to Reality: Turning Your Invention Into a Product

Turning your idea into an invention is one thing. The next goal is to turn that invention into a marketable…

9 years ago

Invention Marketing Companies: Don’t Get Scammed!

So, you have a good idea and want to make some money from it. Beware! You are in danger of…

9 years ago

Manufacturing or Product Licensing? The Route to Selling Your Invention

The ultimate goal of any invention or new product design is to make some money. Sure, there can be a…

9 years ago