Hire CAD designers & engineers in Detroit, Michigan

Find freelance CAD drafters, 3D modelers, & remote product designers on demand

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US Army Corps of Engineers

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briang3 $30/hr

Brian G.

CAD design/drafter with AutoCAD and Plant 3D experience

  • AutoCAD
  • CAD Design
  • Instrumentation
  • 2D & 3D Drafting
  • AutoCAD Plant 3D
  • Mechanical Drafting
  • 2D & 3D Floor Plans
  • AutoCAD Architecture
  • 2D and 3D CAD Design
  • General CAD Drafting
  • PDF to DWG Conversion
  • CAD Drafting Services
  • Manufacturing Drawings
  • Paper to CAD Conversion
  • 2D CAD Drafting Services
  • AutoCAD Drawing Services
  • AutoCAD Drafting & Design
  • Isometric Drawing Services
  • Paper to AutoCAD Conversion
  • 2D and 3D Mechanical Drafting

Last updated: May 31, 2024

Browse Detroit, MI freelancers by skills

Hire CAD designers & engineers in Detroit, Michigan

Hire the services of CAD design, CAD drafting and 3D modeling freelancers in Detroit today! At Cad Crowd, we connect firms and individuals with top-ranked Detroit-based CAD services delivered by experienced, competent freelancers. Submit your project today for a free quote. Our experts will take a look at your specific requirements and pair you up with expert CAD freelancers that have the expertise you need to realize your goals. 

Cad Crowd is a bit different from other online CAD companies. We take the hassles and headaches out of online hiring by connecting clients with vetted, pre-qualified professional engineers and designers from our curated roster of top-ranking freelancers. Cad Crowd frees you from having to sift through tons of applications and bids, allowing you to focus your time and energy where it's needed most.

We're ready to handle any project you can throw at us. We provide a comprehensive array of CAD design and engineering services covering a wide range of industries.  Everything from basic CAD drafting to 3D modeling, architectural design, industrial design and drone design is provided by our curated roster of expert Detroit-based CAD freelancers. They are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to handle any design challenge, regardless of shape, size, or scope!

Cad Crowd provides photorealistic rendering, 3D animation, jewelry design, medical device design, new product design, and PCB design. We help clients with everything from automotive design to interior design to packaging design. Just let us know what it is that you're looking for, and we'll connect you with the CAD freelancers you need to succeed. 

Our services are wholly flexible and adapted to meet the unique requirements of each individual client.  Each design project is unique and calls for unique solutions. We provide every client with a project estimate specific to them. Our freelancers are available for both long-term and short-term projects and can be hired by the hour or on a per-project basis. We help both independent entrepreneurs and innovators as established firms. Whether you're looking to hire on some design expertise or are looking to outsource some of your company's drafting workload, Cad Crowd has got you covered!

Our services are available using all major CAD design programs. If you or your team area already working with a particular set of CAD tools, we can find you freelancers proficient in that software. Our experts are also available to help you determine the most appropriate tools for your project. We'll connect you AutoCAD designers or SolidWorks engineers. We've got Revit freelancers, CATIA designers, and PTC Creo experts. From Autodesk Inventor to ZBrush, our network of CAD professionals have got the tools you're looking for. 

Finally, we offer contract manufacturing and USPTO patenting services to help you get your product made and to protect your intellectual property. 

Submit your project today for a free quote. Our team of CAD experts will analyze your requirements and connect you with the freelance CAD expertise your project deserves.

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