I currently operate a workshop where I design, prototype and develop products for clients as well as inhouse designs; I have worked with a broad range of clients – from toy manufacturers, property developers and startups seeking to manufacture commercial products.
My personal products and projects are predominantly related to unmanned platforms and advanced composite components.
Design Entries
BTEC National Certification in Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing/Aeronuatical Engineering, Double Grade Merit/Merit
2003 – 2005
Graduated head of my class with distinctions in Engineering Materials, Engineering Drawing (traditional paper drawing) and a distinction in CAD
PEO L2, Performing Engineering Operations, Pass
2003 – 2005
PEO L2 is a pass or fail course in:
- Health and Safety
- Materials Prep/Sheet metal fabrication
- Turning and Milling
- Welding; including MMA, MIG, TIG, O&A and Soft Soldering
BTEC First Diploma, Engineering, Pass/Merit
2002 – 2003